§ 4.26. Hearings.  

Latest version.
  • No non-probationary member of the fire department below the rank of deputy chief or of the police department below the rank of deputy chief, shall be removed, discharged, demoted, adversely affected by the promotional process or involuntarily retired except for cause upon written charges or complaint and after an opportunity for an open public hearing in his or her own defense before the Civil Service Board. The chiefs of the fire and police departments shall have the authority to suspend without pay any member of their respective departments upon cause for periods not to exceed 10 days (112 hours for fire fighters) without a hearing by the Civil Service Board. Suspensions for periods in excess of 10 days (112 hours for fire fighters) shall be given pending hearing by the Civil Service Board. Said hearing shall be held within thirty (30) calendar days following the receipt by the affected member of official notification of the action or shall be deemed waived unless the Board grants an extension upon the request of any party. The charges upon which such disciplinary action was taken shall be heard before the Civil Service Board after service upon the person charged with a copy of the charges, as herein before provided. The decision of the Board thereon shall be given in writing to all parties and a copy thereof filed with the City Clerk. In all proceedings before the Civil Service Board, all members are expected to attend unless previously excused by the Chairman. The city attorney shall appear and represent the interest of the City when requested or ordered by the City. The person against whom charges are preferred or the appellant shall have the right to employ counsel to represent him at the hearing before said Board. Said Board shall have power to subpoena witnesses both on behalf of the City and the accused or appellant and to require the production of any books, papers or records material to the issues in said case, by subpoena to be issued in the same manner as subpoenas are issued by the municipal court, signed by the Chairman of said Board. Said Board shall have power to punish for contempt by a fine not exceeding $100 or imprisonment not exceeding seven (7) calendar days any person willfully failing or refusing to obey such subpoena.

(Ord. No. 5402, 2/8/95, Sec. 2; Ord. No. 5293, 4/13/94, Exh. A; Ord. No. 5348, 9/21/94, Sec. 1; Ord. No. 5658, 2/12/97)